This scholarship application opens on January 13th and closes at 11:59 pm on March 15th.

The Etowah Foundation manages over 200 community-funded scholarships annually.  Donors of these scholarships set basic criteria for students  to receive their scholarship.  We provide one application for applicants to submit.  Our Scholarship Review Board will match the criteria that is associated with each scholarship to the best suited applicant.  

ELIGIBILITY:  Completed applications with all required documents must be submitted prior to the deadline of 11:59 pm on March 15th. Applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited college, university or technical school and MUST be either a graduate (as of May 2025*) or previous graduate of a school located in Bartow County, Georgia, a home-schooled student, a GED student, or a non-traditional student who is a Bartow county resident.

*Current high school seniors are eligible to apply but must show acceptance to an accredited college/university as part of the application.

Ends on

​The scholarship application must be completed and submitted online no later than 11:59 pm March 15th EST for you to be considered for a college scholarship.